Psalmi 124

Noua Traducere Românească

1 „De n‑ar fi fost DOMNUL de partea noastră…“ – să spună acum Israel lucrul acesta!2 „De n‑ar fi fost DOMNUL de partea noastră, când s‑au ridicat oamenii împotriva noastră,3 ne‑ar fi înghițit de vii, când li s‑a aprins mânia față de noi;4 ne‑ar fi potopit apele, ar fi trecut peste noi torentul[1];5 ar fi trecut peste noi apele cele năprasnice.6 Binecuvântat să fie DOMNUL, Care nu ne‑a lăsat pradă colților lor.7 Sufletul nostru a scăpat ca o pasăre din lațul păsărarilor; lațul s‑a rupt, iar noi am scăpat!8 Ajutorul nostru este în Numele DOMNULUI, Creatorul cerurilor și al pământului.“

Psalmi 124

New International Reader’s Version

1 Here is what Israel should say. Suppose the LORD had not been on our side.2 Suppose the LORD had not been on our side when our enemies attacked us.3 Suppose he had not been on our side when their burning anger blazed out against us. Then they would have swallowed us alive.4 They would have been like a flood that drowned us. They would have swept over us like a rushing river.5 They would have washed us away like a swollen stream.6 Give praise to the LORD. He has not let our enemies chew us up.7 We have escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap has been broken, and we have escaped.8 Our help comes from the LORD. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.