Apostelgeschichte 19

Lutherbibel 2017

1 Es geschah aber, als Apollos in Korinth war, dass Paulus durch das Hochland zog und nach Ephesus kam und einige Jünger fand.2 Zu denen sprach er: Habt ihr den Heiligen Geist empfangen, als ihr gläubig wurdet? Sie sprachen zu ihm: Wir haben noch nie gehört, dass es einen Heiligen Geist gibt. (Apg 2,38)3 Und er fragte sie: Worauf seid ihr denn getauft? Sie antworteten: Auf die Taufe des Johannes.4 Paulus aber sprach: Johannes hat getauft mit der Taufe der Buße und dem Volk gesagt, sie sollten an den glauben, der nach ihm kommen werde, nämlich an Jesus. (Lk 3,16)5 Als sie das hörten, ließen sie sich taufen auf den Namen des Herrn Jesus. (Apg 2,38)6 Und als Paulus ihnen die Hände auflegte, kam der Heilige Geist auf sie und sie redeten in Zungen und weissagten. (Apg 8,17; Apg 10,44; Apg 10,46)7 Es waren aber zusammen etwa zwölf Männer.8 Er ging aber in die Synagoge und predigte frei und offen drei Monate lang, lehrte und überzeugte sie von dem Reich Gottes.9 Als aber einige verstockt waren und nicht glaubten und vor der Menge übel redeten von dem Weg[1], trennte er sich von ihnen und sonderte auch die Jünger ab und redete täglich in der Schule des Tyrannus. (Apg 16,17; Apg 18,25)10 Und das geschah zwei Jahre lang, sodass alle, die in der Provinz Asia wohnten, das Wort des Herrn hörten, Juden und Griechen.11 Und Gott wirkte nicht geringe Taten durch die Hände des Paulus. (Apg 14,3; 2Kor 12,12)12 So hielten sie auch die Schweißtücher und andere Tücher, die er auf seiner Haut getragen hatte, über die Kranken, und die Krankheiten wichen von ihnen, und die bösen Geister fuhren aus. (Mk 6,56; Apg 5,15)13 Es versuchten aber einige von den Juden, die als Beschwörer umherzogen, den Namen des Herrn Jesus zu nennen über denen, die böse Geister hatten, und sprachen: Ich beschwöre euch bei dem Jesus, den Paulus predigt. (Lk 9,49)14 Es waren aber sieben Söhne eines jüdischen Hohenpriesters mit Namen Skevas, die dies taten.15 Aber der böse Geist antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Jesus kenne ich wohl und von Paulus weiß ich wohl, wer seid ihr aber?16 Und der Mensch, in dem der böse Geist war, stürzte sich auf sie und überwältigte sie alle und richtete sie so zu, dass sie nackt und verwundet aus dem Haus flohen.17 Das aber wurde allen bekannt, die in Ephesus wohnten, Juden wie Griechen; und Furcht befiel sie alle und der Name des Herrn Jesus wurde hochgelobt.18 Es kamen auch viele von denen, die gläubig geworden waren, und bekannten und verkündeten, was sie getan hatten.19 Viele aber, die Zauberei getrieben hatten, brachten die Bücher zusammen und verbrannten sie öffentlich und berechneten, was sie wert waren, und kamen auf fünfzigtausend Silbergroschen.20 So breitete sich das Wort aus durch die Kraft des Herrn und wurde mächtig. (Apg 6,7; Apg 12,24)21 Als das geschehen war, nahm sich Paulus im Geist vor, durch Makedonien und Achaia zu ziehen und nach Jerusalem zu reisen, und sprach: Wenn ich dort gewesen bin, muss ich auch Rom sehen. (Apg 23,11; Apg 28,14; Röm 1,10; 1Kor 16,5)22 Und er sandte zwei, die ihm dienten, Timotheus und Erastus, nach Makedonien; er aber blieb noch eine Weile in der Provinz Asia. (Röm 16,23; 2Tim 4,20)23 Es erhob sich aber um diese Zeit eine nicht geringe Unruhe über den Weg. (2Kor 1,8)24 Denn einer mit Namen Demetrius, ein Silberschmied, machte silberne Tempel der Artemis[2] und verschaffte den Handwerkern nicht geringen Gewinn.25 Diese und die Zuarbeiter dieses Handwerks versammelte er und sprach: Ihr Männer, ihr wisst, dass unser Wohlstand von diesem Gewerbe kommt;26 und ihr seht und hört, dass nicht allein in Ephesus, sondern auch fast in der ganzen Provinz Asia dieser Paulus viel Volk überredet und verführt, wenn er sagt: Was mit Händen gemacht ist, das sind keine Götter. (Ps 115,4; Apg 17,29)27 Aber es droht nicht nur unser Gewerbe in Verruf zu geraten, sondern auch der Tempel der großen Göttin Artemis wird für nichts geachtet werden; und sie selbst, die verehrt wird in der ganzen Provinz Asia, ja auf dem ganzen Erdkreis, wird ihrer Hoheit beraubt.28 Als sie das hörten, wurden sie von Zorn erfüllt und schrien: Groß ist die Artemis der Epheser!29 Und die ganze Stadt geriet in Aufruhr; sie stürmten einmütig zum Theater und ergriffen Gaius und Aristarch aus Makedonien, die Gefährten des Paulus. (Apg 20,4)30 Da aber Paulus unter das Volk gehen wollte, ließen’s ihm die Jünger nicht zu.31 Auch einige der Oberen der Provinz Asia, die ihm freundlich gesinnt waren, sandten zu ihm und ermahnten ihn, sich nicht zum Theater zu begeben.32 Dort schrien die einen dies, die andern das, und die Versammlung war in Verwirrung, und die meisten wussten nicht, warum sie zusammengekommen waren.33 Einige aber aus der Menge umringten Alexander, den die Juden vorgeschickt hatten. Alexander aber winkte mit der Hand und wollte sich vor dem Volk verantworten.34 Als sie aber innewurden, dass er Jude war, schrie alles wie aus einem Munde fast zwei Stunden lang: Groß ist die Artemis der Epheser!35 Als aber der Kanzler das Volk beruhigt hatte, sprach er: Ihr Männer von Ephesus, wo ist ein Mensch, der nicht weiß, dass die Stadt Ephesus eine Hüterin der großen Artemis ist und ihres Bildes, das vom Himmel gefallen ist?36 Weil das nun nicht zu bestreiten ist, sollt ihr euch ruhig verhalten und nichts Unbedachtes tun.37 Ihr habt diese Menschen hergeführt, die weder Tempelräuber noch Lästerer unserer Göttin sind.38 Haben aber Demetrius und mit ihm die Handwerker einen Anspruch an jemanden, so gibt es Gerichte und Statthalter; da lasst sie sich untereinander verklagen.39 Wollt ihr aber darüber hinaus noch etwas, so kann man es in einer ordentlichen Versammlung entscheiden.40 Denn wir stehen in Gefahr, wegen der heutigen Empörung verklagt zu werden, ohne dass ein Grund vorhanden ist, mit dem wir diesen Aufruhr entschuldigen könnten. Und als er dies gesagt hatte, ließ er die Versammlung gehen.

Apostelgeschichte 19

King James Version

1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples,2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.7 And all the men were about twelve.8 And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.9 But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.10 And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.21 After these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I must also see Rome.22 So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season.23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that way.24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen;25 Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.26 Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands:27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.29 And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.30 And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not.31 And certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre.32 Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.33 And they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And Alexander beckoned with the hand, and would have made his defence unto the people.34 But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?36 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.37 For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.38 Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, the law is open, and there are deputies: let them implead one another.39 But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.40 For we are in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse.41 And when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly.

Apostelgeschichte 19

English Standard Version

1 And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland[1] country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. (Apg 18,23; Apg 18,24)2 And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” (Joh 7,39; Apg 8,16; Apg 11,16)3 And he said, “Into what then were you baptized?” They said, “Into John’s baptism.” (Apg 8,16; Apg 13,24; Apg 18,25; Hebr 6,2)4 And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” (Joh 1,7; Apg 19,3)5 On hearing this, they were baptized in[2] the name of the Lord Jesus. (Apg 8,12; Apg 8,16)6 And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying. (Mk 16,17; Apg 8,17; Apg 10,46; Apg 13,1)7 There were about twelve men in all.8 And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God. (Apg 1,3; Apg 13,5; Apg 28,23)9 But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.[3] (Apg 9,2; Apg 13,45; Apg 14,2; Apg 19,23; 1Kor 16,9)10 This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks. (Apg 19,8; Apg 20,31; 2Tim 1,15)11 And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, (Apg 5,12; Apg 5,15)12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. (Mk 16,17; Apg 19,11)13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” (Mt 12,27; Mt 26,63; Mk 5,7; Mk 9,38; Lk 11,19)14 Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this.15 But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” (Jak 2,19)16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all[4] of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.17 And this became known to all the residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. And fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled. (2Thess 1,12)18 Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. (Mt 3,6; Mk 1,5; Röm 14,11; Jak 5,16)19 And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.20 So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily. (Apg 6,7; Apg 12,24)21 Now after these events Paul resolved in the Spirit to pass through Macedonia and Achaia and go to Jerusalem, saying, “After I have been there, I must also see Rome.” (Apg 20,1; Apg 20,16; Apg 20,22; Apg 23,11; Röm 1,13; Röm 15,24; Röm 15,25; Röm 15,26; Röm 15,28; 1Kor 16,3; 1Kor 16,5; 2Kor 1,16; 1Thess 1,7)22 And having sent into Macedonia two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, he himself stayed in Asia for a while. (Apg 13,5; Apg 16,1; Apg 19,29; 1Kor 16,8; Kol 4,7; 2Tim 1,18; 2Tim 4,11; Phlm 1,13)23 About that time there arose no little disturbance concerning the Way. (Apg 19,9; 2Kor 1,8)24 For a man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the craftsmen. (Apg 16,16; Apg 16,19)25 These he gathered together, with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. (Apg 19,24)26 And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods. (5Mo 4,28; 2Kön 19,18; Ps 115,4; Jes 44,10; Jer 10,3; Apg 14,15; Apg 17,29; 1Kor 8,4; Offb 9,20)27 And there is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be counted as nothing, and that she may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world worship.” (Apg 8,10)28 When they heard this they were enraged and were crying out, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” (Apg 19,27)29 So the city was filled with the confusion, and they rushed together into the theater, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians who were Paul’s companions in travel. (Apg 19,22; Apg 20,4; Apg 20,34; Apg 27,2; 2Kor 8,19; Kol 4,10; Phlm 1,24)30 But when Paul wished to go in among the crowd, the disciples would not let him.31 And even some of the Asiarchs,[5] who were friends of his, sent to him and were urging him not to venture into the theater.32 Now some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had come together. (Apg 21,34)33 Some of the crowd prompted Alexander, whom the Jews had put forward. And Alexander, motioning with his hand, wanted to make a defense to the crowd. (Apg 12,17)34 But when they recognized that he was a Jew, for about two hours they all cried out with one voice, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” (Apg 19,28)35 And when the town clerk had quieted the crowd, he said, “Men of Ephesus, who is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is temple keeper of the great Artemis, and of the sacred stone that fell from the sky?[6] (Apg 14,12)36 Seeing then that these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet and do nothing rash.37 For you have brought these men here who are neither sacrilegious nor blasphemers of our goddess. (Apg 19,29; Röm 2,22)38 If therefore Demetrius and the craftsmen with him have a complaint against anyone, the courts are open, and there are proconsuls. Let them bring charges against one another. (Apg 13,7)39 But if you seek anything further,[7] it shall be settled in the regular assembly.40 For we really are in danger of being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause that we can give to justify this commotion.”41 And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.