
Dictionary: Nave's Topical Bible
  1. A name given to Jacob Ge 32:24-32; 2Ki 17:34; Ho 12:3,4
  2. A name of the Messiah in prophecy Isa 49:3
  3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation

  • (TRIBES OF ISRAEL were named after the sons of Jacob)

  • (Usually, in lists, the names of Levi and Joseph, two sons of Jacob, do not appear)


    • Public affairs administered four-hundred and fifty years by the judgesJud 2:16-19; Ac 13:20
    • The original inhabitants not fully expelled Jud 1:27-36; 3:1-7
    • Reproved by an angel for not casting out the original inhabitantsJud 2:1-5
    • People turn to idolatry Jud 2:10-23
    • Delivered for their idolatry to the king of Mesopotamia during eight years, their repentance and deliveranceJud 3:8-11
    • Renew their idolatry, and are put under tribute to the king of Moab during eighteen years, repent and are delivered byEhud, eighty years of peace followJud 3:12-30
    • Shamgar resists a foray of the Philistines and delivers IsraelJud 3:31
    • People again do evil and are put under bonds to the king of Syria for twenty yearsJud 4:1-3
    • Delivered by Deborah, a prophetess, and judged Jud 4; 5
    • Seven years of bondage to the Midianites; delivered by GideonJud 6; 7; 8:1-28
    • Return to idolatry Jud 8:33,34
    • Abimelech foments an inter-tribal war Jud 9
    • Led by Tola for twenty-three years Jud 10:1,2
    • Led by Jair for twenty-two years Jud 10:3,4
    • The people backslide, and are given over to the Philistines for chastisement for eighteen years; they repent and turn tothe Lord; they are delivered by JephthahJud 10:6-18; 11
    • The Ephraimites go to war against other tribes; they are defeated by JephthahJud 12:1-7
    • Led by Ibzan for seven years Jud 12:8-10
    • Led by Elon for ten years Jud 12:11,12
    • Led by Abdon for eight years Jud 12:13-15
    • The people backslide again are chastened by the Philistines for forty yearsJud 13:1
    • Led by Samson for twenty years Jud 15:20; with 13; 14; 15; 16
    • Scandal of the Bethlehemite's concubine, and the consequent war between the Benjamites and the other tribesJud 19; 20; 21
    • Led by Eli for forty years 1Sa 4:18; with 1; 2; 3; 4
    • Struck down by the Philistines at Eben-ezer 1Sa 4:1,2,10,11
    • They demand a king 1Sa 8:5-20; Ho 13:10


  • (Foreshadowing circumstances indicating the separation)

    • Disagreement after Saul's death #2Sa 2; 1Ch 12:23-40; 13|
    • Lukewarmness of the ten tribes, and zeal of Judah for David in Absolom's rebellion#2Sa 19:41-43|
    • The rebellion of Sheba #2Sa 20|
    • The two factions are distinguished as Israel and Judah during David's reign#2Sa 21:2|
    • Providential #Zec 11:14|
    • Revolt consummated under Rehoboam, son and successor of Solomon#1Ki 12:4|
  1. The name of the ten tribes that revolted from the house (kingdom) of David
    • Also called JACOB #Ho 12:2|
  • (The list of the kings of Israel, and the period of time in which they reigned. For the facts of their reigns see undereach name)
    1. Jeroboam, twenty-two years
    2. Nadab, about two years
    3. Baasha, twenty-four years
    4. Elah, two years
    5. Zimri, seven days
    6. Omri, twelve years
    7. Ahab, twenty-two years
    8. Ahaziah, two years
    9. Jehoram, twelve years
    10. Jehu, twenty-eight years
    11. Jehoahaz, seventeen years
    12. Jehoash, sixteen years
    13. Jeroboam II, forty-one years
    14. Zachariah, six months
    15. Shallum, one month
    16. Menahem, ten years
    17. Pekahiah, two years
    18. Pekah, twenty years
    19. Hoshea, nine years
  • (The ten tribes were carried away captive to Assyria)

    • War continued between the two kingdoms all the days of Rehoboam and Jeroboam#1Ki 14:30|
    • War continued between Jeroboam and Abijam #1Ki 15:7|
    • War continued between Baasha and Asa #1Ki 15:16,32|
    • Famine prevails during the reign of Ahab #1Ki 18:1-6|
    • Israel, also called SAMARIA, invaded by, but defeats, Ben-hadad, king of Syria#1Ki 20|
    • Moab rebels #2Ki 1:1; 3|
    • Army of Syria invades Israel, but peacefully withdraws through the tact of the prophet Elisha#2Ki 6:8-23|
    • The city of Samaria besieged #2Ki 6:24-33; 7|
    • The city of Samaria captured, and the people carried to Assyria#2Ki 17|
    • The land repopulated #2Ki 17:24|
    • The remnant that remained after the able-bodied persons were carried into captivity affiliated with the kingdom of Judah#2Ch 30:18-26; 34:6; 35:18|