QuerverweiseEntdecke ähnliche Bibelverse zu Hiob 29,10 – English Standard Version "the voice of the nobles was hushed, and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth." Ps 22,15 my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.Ps 137,6 Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy!Kla 4,4 The tongue of the nursing infant sticks to the roof of its mouth for thirst; the children beg for food, but no one gives to them.Hes 3,26 And I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute and unable to reprove them, for they are a rebellious house.