QuerverweiseEntdecke ähnliche Bibelverse zu Hesekiel 24,24 – English Standard Version "Thus shall Ezekiel be to you a sign; according to all that he has done you shall do. When this comes, then you will know that I am the Lord God.’" Hes 4,3 And you, take an iron griddle, and place it as an iron wall between you and the city; and set your face toward it, and let it be in a state of siege, and press the siege against it. This is a sign for the house of Israel.Hes 6,7 And the slain shall fall in your midst, and you shall know that I am the Lord.Hes 24,22 And you shall do as I have done; you shall not cover your lips, nor eat the bread of men.Hes 24,27 On that day your mouth will be opened to the fugitive, and you shall speak and be no longer mute. So you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the Lord.”