1.Könige 4

Hoffnung für alle

1 Salomo herrschte nun über ganz Israel als König.2 Und dies waren seine obersten Beamten: Oberster Priester: Asarja, ein Nachkomme von Zadok;3 Hofsekretäre: Elihoref und Ahija, beides Söhne von Schischa; Berater des Königs: Joschafat, ein Sohn von Ahilud;4 Oberbefehlshaber über das Heer: Benaja, ein Sohn von Jojada; Priester: Zadok und Abjatar;5 Vorgesetzter der Bezirksverwalter: Asarja, ein Sohn von Nathan; Persönlicher Ratgeber des Königs: der Priester Sabud, ein Sohn von Nathan;6 Palastverwalter: Ahischar; Aufseher über die Zwangsarbeiter: Adoniram, ein Sohn von Abda.7 Salomo hatte das Land Israel in zwölf Bezirke aufgeteilt und über jeden Bezirk einen Verwalter gesetzt. Diese Bezirksverwalter waren verantwortlich für die Versorgung des königlichen Hofes. Jeder musste einen Monat im Jahr für den Unterhalt des Hofstaates aufkommen.8 Es folgt die Liste der Bezirksverwalter und ihrer Gebiete: der Sohn von Hur[1]: das Gebirge Ephraim;9 der Sohn von Deker: die Gegend der Städte Makaz, Schaalbim, Bet-Schemesch und Elon Bet-Hanan;10 der Sohn von Hesed: die Stadt Arubbot, Socho und die Gegend von Hefer;11 der Sohn von Abinadab, verheiratet mit Salomos Tochter Tafat: das gesamte hügelige Gebiet, das zur Küstenstadt Dor gehört;12 Baana, ein Sohn von Ahilud: das Gebiet der Städte Taanach, Megiddo und Bet-Schean – die Nachbarstadt von Zaretan unterhalb von Jesreel –, außerdem das ganze Gebiet von Bet-Schean bis Abel-Mehola einschließlich der Stadt Jokmeam;13 der Sohn von Geber: die Gegend von Ramot in Gilead einschließlich der sogenannten »Dörfer Jaïrs, des Sohnes von Manasse« sowie das Gebiet von Argob in Baschan mit sechzig befestigten Städten, die Mauern und Tore mit bronzenen Riegeln hatten;14 Ahinadab, ein Sohn von Iddo: Mahanajim;15 Ahimaaz, verheiratet mit Salomos Tochter Basemat: das Gebiet des Stammes Naftali;16 Baana, ein Sohn von Huschai: das Gebiet des Stammes Asser und die Gegend von Bealot;17 Joschafat, ein Sohn von Paruach: das Gebiet des Stammes Issachar;18 Schimi, ein Sohn von Ela: das Gebiet des Stammes Benjamin;19 Geber, ein Sohn von Uri: die Gegend von Gilead, wo früher der Amoriterkönig Sihon und König Og von Baschan geherrscht hatten. Trotz der Größe dieses Gebiets war Geber allein dafür verantwortlich.20 In Juda und Israel gab es damals so viele Menschen wie Sand am Meer. Das ganze Volk hatte genug zu essen und zu trinken und war zufrieden.

1.Könige 4

New International Reader’s Version

1 So King Solomon ruled over the whole nation of Israel.2 Here are the names of his chief officials. Azariah was the priest. He was the son of Zadok.3 Elihoreph and Ahijah were secretaries. They were the sons of Shisha. Jehoshaphat kept the records. He was the son of Ahilud.4 Benaiah was the commander-in-chief. He was the son of Jehoiada. Zadok and Abiathar were priests.5 Azariah was in charge of the local governors. He was the son of Nathan. Zabud was a priest. He was also the king’s adviser. He was the son of Nathan.6 Ahishar was in charge of the palace. Adoniram was in charge of those who were forced to work for the king. He was the son of Abda.7 Solomon had 12 local governors over the whole land of Israel. They provided supplies for the king and the royal family. Each governor had to provide supplies for one month out of each year.8 Here are their names and areas. Ben-Hur’s area was the hill country of Ephraim.9 Ben-Deker’s area was Makaz, Shaalbim, Beth Shemesh and Elon Bethhanan.10 Ben-Hesed’s area was Arubboth. Sokoh and the whole land of Hepher were included in his area.11 Ben-Abinadab’s area was Naphoth Dor. He married Solomon’s daughter Taphath.12 Baana’s area was Taanach, Megiddo and the whole territory of Beth Shan. Beth Shan was next to Zarethan below Jezreel. Baana’s area reached from Beth Shan all the way to Abel Meholah. It also went across to Jokmeam. Baana was the son of Ahilud.13 Ben-Geber’s area was Ramoth Gilead. The settlements of Jair, the son of Manasseh, were included in his area in Gilead. The area of Argob in Bashan was also included. That area had 60 large cities that had high walls around them. The city gates were made secure with heavy bronze bars.14 Ahinadab’s area was Mahanaim. He was the son of Iddo.15 Ahimaaz’s area was Naphtali. He had married Basemath. She was Solomon’s daughter.16 Baana’s area was Asher and Aloth. He was the son of Hushai.17 Jehoshaphat’s area was Issachar. He was the son of Paruah.18 Shimei’s area was Benjamin. He was the son of Ela.19 Geber’s area was Gilead. He was the only governor over the area. He was the son of Uri. Gilead had been the country of Sihon and Og. Sihon had been king of the Amorites. Og had been king of Bashan.20 There were many people in Judah and Israel. In fact, they were as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. They ate, drank and were happy.21 Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the River Euphrates to the land of the Philistines. He ruled as far as the border of Egypt. All those countries brought the gifts he required them to bring him. And Solomon ruled over those countries for his whole life.22 Here are the supplies Solomon required every day. 4.5 tonnes of the finest flour 9 tonnes of meal23 ten oxen that had been fed by hand 20 oxen that had been fed on grasslands 100 sheep and goats deer, antelopes and roebucks the finest birds24 Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms that were west of the River Euphrates. He ruled from Tiphsah all the way to Gaza. And he had peace and rest on every side.25 While Solomon was king, Judah and Israel lived in safety. They were secure from Dan all the way to Beersheba. Everyone had their own vine and their own fig tree.26 Solomon had 4,000 spaces where he kept his chariot horses. He had a total of 12,000 horses.27 The local governors provided supplies for King Solomon. They provided them for all who ate at the king’s table. Each governor provided supplies for one month every year. The governors made sure the king had everything he needed.28 They also brought barley and straw for the chariot horses and the other horses. Each of the governors brought the amounts required of them. They brought them to the proper places.29 God made Solomon very wise. His understanding couldn’t even be measured. It was like the sand on the seashore. People can’t measure that either.30 Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the east. It was greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.31 Solomon was wiser than anyone else. He was wiser than Ethan, the Ezrahite. He was wiser than Heman, Kalkol and Darda. They were the sons of Mahol. Solomon became famous in all the nations around him.32 He spoke 3,000 proverbs. He wrote 1,005 songs.33 He spoke about plants. He knew everything about them, from the cedar trees in Lebanon to the hyssop plants that grow out of walls. He spoke about animals and birds. He also spoke about reptiles and fish.34 The kings of all the world’s nations heard about how wise Solomon was. So they sent their people to listen to him.