Josua 15 | Noua Traducere Românească New International Reader’s Version

Josua 15 | Noua Traducere Românească

Teritoriul moștenit de seminția lui Iuda

1 Teritoriul seminției fiilor lui Iuda, potrivit clanurilor lor, se întindea spre hotarul Edomului în sud, spre marginea de sud a pustiei Țin. 2 Hotarul lor de sud începea de la marginea Mării Sărate*, de la golful din sud, 3 continua prin sudul Înălțimii Scorpionului*, traversa pustia Țin și urca la sud de Kadeș-Barnea, după care traversa Hețronul și urca spre Adar, întorcându‑se pe la Karka. 4 Traversa apoi Ațmon, atingea Râul Egiptului* și ieșea la marginea mării. Acesta era hotarul lor de sud. 5 Hotarul de răsărit era Marea Sărată până la gura de vărsare a Iordanului. Hotarul de nord începea de la gura de vărsare a Iordanului în Marea Sărată, 6 urca spre Bet‑Hogla, traversa pe la nord de Bet‑Araba, trecea pe la Piatra lui Bohan, fiul lui Ruben, 7 urca spre Debir prin valea Acor, se întorcea către nord înspre Ghilgal, în dreptul Înălțimii Adumim, care era la sud de ued*, trecea apoi pe la apele En‑Șemeșului și ieșea la En‑Roghel. 8 Urca prin valea Ben‑Hinom, la marginea de sud a Iebusului (Ierusalimul), urca spre vârful muntelui care era în partea de apus a văii Hinom, la marginea de nord a văii Refaim. 9 Apoi, din vârful muntelui, hotarul se întindea către izvorul apelor Neftoahului, atingea cetățile muntelui Efron și continua până la Baala (Chiriat-Iearim). 10 Din Baala se întorcea către apus înspre muntele Seir, trecea peste versantul nordic al muntelui Iearim (Chesalon), cobora pe la Bet‑Șemeș, trecea prin Timna 11 și peste versantul nordic al Ekronului, continua către Șikron, traversa muntele Baala, atingea Iabneelul și ajungea la mare. 12 Hotarul de apus era țărmul Mării cea Mare*. Acesta era hotarul fiilor lui Iuda, de jur împrejur, potrivit clanurilor lor.

Cetățile descendenților lui Iuda

13 Lui Caleb, fiul lui Iefune, i s‑a dat un teritoriu care era în mijlocul fiilor lui Iuda, potrivit celor spuse de DOMNUL lui Iosua, și anume Chiriat-Arba (Hebron), – Arba fusese tatăl lui Anac. 14 Caleb i‑a alungat de acolo pe cei trei urmași ai lui Anac: pe Șeșai, pe Ahiman și pe Talmai, urmașii lui Anac. 15 De acolo s‑a suit împotriva locuitorilor Debirului (înainte Debirul purta numele de Chiriat-Sefer). 16 Caleb a zis: „Aceluia care va ataca și va cuceri Chiriat-Seferul îi voi da de soție pe fiica mea Acsa!“ 17 Otniel, fiul lui Chenaz, fratele lui Caleb, a cucerit cetatea, iar Caleb i‑a dat‑o de soție pe fiica lui, Acsa. 18 Odată, venind la Otniel, Acsa l‑a îndemnat să‑i ceară tatălui ei un teren. Când ea s‑a dat jos de pe măgar, Caleb a întrebat‑o: – Ce dorești? 19 Ea i‑a răspuns: – Dă‑mi o binecuvântare, căci mi‑ai dat un teritoriu în Neghev*. Dăruiește‑mi și izvoare de ape! Și astfel, Caleb i‑a dat izvoarele de sus și izvoarele de jos. 20 Iată care este moștenirea seminției fiilor lui Iuda, potrivit clanurilor lor: 21 cetățile care erau în Neghev, la marginea teritoriului seminției fiilor lui Iuda, înspre hotarul Edomului: Kabțeel, Eder, Iagur, 22 China, Dimona, Adada, 23 Kedeș, Hațor, Itnan, 24 Zif, Telem, Bealot, 25 Hațor-Hadata, Cheriot-Hețron (Hațor), 26 Amam, Șema, Molada, 27 Hațar-Gada, Heșmon, Bet‑Pelet, 28 Hațar-Șual, Beer-Șeba, Biziotia, 29 Baala, Iyim, Ețem, 30 Eltolad, Chesil, Horma, 31 Țiklag, Madmana, Sansana, 32 Lebaot, Șilhim, Ayin și Rimon – în total douăzeci și nouă de cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 33 Cetățile care erau în zona deluroasă*: Eștaol, Țora, Așna, 34 Zanoah, En‑Ganim, Tapuah, Enam, 35 Iarmut, Adulam, Soco, Azeka, 36 Șaarayim, Aditayim, Ghedera și Ghederotayim* – paisprezece cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 37 Țenan, Hadașa, Migdal‑Gad, 38 Dilan, Mițpa, Iokteel, 39 Lachiș, Boțkat, Eglon, 40 Kabon, Lahmas, Chitliș, 41 Ghederot, Bet‑Dagon, Naama și Makkeda – șaisprezece cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 42 Libna, Eter, Așan, 43 Iefta, Așna, Nețib, 44 Cheila, Aczib, Mareșa – nouă cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 45 Ekron cu cetățile și satele dimprejurul lor, 46 de la Ekron înspre mare, toate așezările din apropierea Așdodului și satele dimprejurul lor, 47 Așdod cu cetățile și satele dimprejurul lor, Gaza cu cetățile și satele dimprejurul lor, până la Râul Egiptului și până la țărmul Mării cea Mare. 48 Cetățile care erau la munte*: Șamir, Iatir, Soco, 49 Dana, Chiriat-Sana (Debir), 50 Anab, Eștemo*, Anim, 51 Goșen, Holon și Ghilo – unsprezece cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 52 Arab, Duma, Eșan, 53 Ianim, Bet‑Tapuah, Afeka, 54 Humta, Chiriat-Arba (adică Hebronul) și Țior – nouă cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 55 Maon, Carmel, Zif, Iuta, 56 Izreel, Iokdeam, Zanoah, 57 Kayin, Ghiva și Timna – zece cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 58 Halhul, Bet‑Țur, Ghedor, 59 Maarat, Bet‑Anot și Eltekon – șase cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 60 Chiriat-Baal (adică Chiriat-Iearim) și Raba – două cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 61 Cetățile care erau în pustie: Bet‑Araba, Midin, Sehaha, 62 Nibșan, Ir‑Hammelah* și En‑Ghedi – șase cetăți cu satele dimprejurul lor. 63 Fiii lui Iuda nu i‑au putut alunga pe iebusiții care locuiau în Ierusalim și, prin urmare, iebusiții au locuit la Ierusalim împreună cu fiii lui Iuda, până în ziua aceasta.

Holy Bible, New Romanian Translation TM (Noua Traducere În Limba Română TM) Copyright © 2007, 2010, 2016 by Biblica, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. “Biblica”, “International Bible Society” and the Biblica Logo are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. Used with permission.

New International Reader’s Version

Land is given to Judah

1 Land was given to the tribe of Judah, according to its family groups. It reached down to the territory of Edom. It went as far south as the Desert of Zin. 2 Judah’s border on the south started from the bay at the south end of the Dead Sea. 3 It went across to the south of Scorpion Pass. It continued on to Zin. It went over to the south of Kadesh Barnea. Then it ran past Hezron up to Addar. It curved around to Karka. 4 It then went along to Azmon. There it joined the Wadi of Egypt and ended at the Mediterranean Sea. That was the southern border of Judah. 5 The border on the east was the Dead Sea. It went north all the way to where the River Jordan enters the sea. The border on the north started at the bay of the Dead Sea. That’s where the River Jordan enters the sea. 6 From there it went up to Beth Hoglah. It continued north of Beth Arabah to the Stone of Bohan, the son of Reuben. 7 Then it went from the Valley of Achor up to Debir. It turned north to Gilgal. Gilgal faces the Pass of Adummim south of the valley. The border continued along to the springs of En Shemesh. It came to an end at En Rogel. 8 Then it ran up the Valley of Ben Hinnom. It went along the south slope of Jerusalem. From there it climbed to the top of the hill west of the Hinnom Valley. The hill is also at the north end of the Valley of Rephaim. 9 From the top of the hill the border headed towards the springs of Nephtoah. It went to the towns near Mount Ephron. It went down towards Kiriath Jearim. 10 Then it curved west from Kiriath Jearim to Mount Seir. It ran along the north slope of Mount Kesalon. It continued down to Beth Shemesh and crossed over to Timnah. 11 It went to the north slope of Ekron. Then it turned towards Shikkeron. It passed along to Mount Baalah and reached Jabneel. The border came to an end at the Mediterranean Sea. 12 The border on the west was the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Those were the borders of the family groups of the tribe of Judah. 13 Joshua gave a part of Judah’s share of land to Caleb, the son of Jephunneh. That was according to the LORD’s command to Joshua. The share Caleb received was the city of Hebron. It was also called Kiriath Arba. Anak came from the family line of Arba. 14 Caleb drove three Anakites out of Hebron. Their names were Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai. They were from the family line of Anak. 15 From Hebron, Caleb marched out against the people living in Debir. It used to be called Kiriath Sepher. 16 Caleb said, ‘I will give my daughter Aksah to be married. She’ll be the wife of the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher.’ 17 Othniel captured it. So Caleb gave his daughter Aksah to him to be his wife. Othniel was the son of Kenaz. He was Caleb’s brother. 18 One day Aksah came to Othniel. She begged him to ask her father for a field. When she got off her donkey, Caleb spoke to her. He asked, ‘What can I do for you?’ 19 She replied, ‘Do me a special favour. You have given me some land in the Negev Desert. Give me springs of water also.’ So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs. 20 Here is the share of land given to the tribe of Judah, according to its family groups. 21 The towns farthest south that were given to Judah were in the Negev Desert. They were near the border of Edom. Here is a list of those towns. Kabzeel, Eder, Jagur, 22 Kinah, Dimonah, Adadah, 23 Kedesh, Hazor, Ithnan, 24 Ziph, Telem, Bealoth, 25 Hazor Hadattah, Hazor, 26 Amam, Shema, Moladah, 27 Hazar Gaddah, Heshmon, Beth Pelet, 28 Hazar Shual, Beersheba, Biziothiah, 29 Baalah, Iyim, Ezem, 30 Eltolad, Kesil, Hormah, 31 Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah, 32 Lebaoth, Shilhim, Ain and Rimmon. The total number of towns was 29. Some of them had villages near them. 33 Towns were also given to Judah in the western hills. Here is a list of those towns. Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashnah, 34 Zanoah, En Gannim, Tappuah, Enam, 35 Jarmuth, Adullam, Sokoh, Azekah, 36 Shaaraim, Adithaim and Gederah. Gederah is also called Gederothaim. The total number of towns was 14. Some of them had villages near them. 37 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the western hills. Zenan, Hadashah, Migdal Gad, 38 Dilean, Mizpah, Joktheel, 39 Lachish, Bozkath, Eglon, 40 Kabbon, Lahmas, Kitlish, 41 Gederoth, Beth Dagon, Naamah and Makkedah. The total number of towns was 16. Some of them had villages near them. 42 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the western hills. Libnah, Ether, Ashan, 43 Iphtah, Ashnah, Nezib, 44 Keilah, Akzib and Mareshah. The total number of towns was nine. Some of them had villages near them. 45 Judah was also given Ekron and the settlements and villages around it. 46 West of Ekron, Judah was given all the settlements and villages near Ashdod. 47 Judah was given Ashdod and the settlements and villages around it. And Judah was given Gaza and its settlements and villages. Judah’s territory went all the way to the Wadi of Egypt and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 48 Towns were also given to Judah in the central hill country. Here is a list of those towns. Shamir, Jattir, Sokoh, 49 Dannah, Debir, 50 Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim, 51 Goshen, Holon and Giloh. The total number of towns was 11. Some of them had villages near them. 52 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the central hill country. Arab, Dumah, Eshan, 53 Janim, Beth Tappuah, Aphekah, 54 Humtah, Hebron and Zior. The total number of towns was nine. Some of them had villages near them. 55 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the central hill country. Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Juttah, 56 Jezreel, Jokdeam, Zanoah, 57 Kain, Gibeah and Timnah. The total number of towns was ten. Some of them had villages near them. 58 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the central hill country. Halhul, Beth Zur, Gedor, 59 Maarath, Beth Anoth and Eltekon. The total number of towns was six. Some of them had villages near them. 60 Here’s another list of towns given to Judah in the central hill country. Kiriath Jearim and Rabbah. The total number of towns was two. They had villages near them. 61 Towns were also given to Judah in the desert. Here is a list of those towns. Beth Arabah, Middin, Sekakah, 62 Nibshan, the City of Salt and En Gedi. The total number of towns was six. Some of them had villages near them. 63 Judah couldn’t drive out the Jebusites who were living in Jerusalem. So they live there with the people of Judah to this day.