Psalm 31 | New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 31 | New International Reader’s Version

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1 LORD, I have come to you for safety. Don’t let me ever be put to shame. Save me, because you do what is right. 2 Pay attention to me. Come quickly to help me. Be the rock I go to for safety. Be the strong fort that saves me. 3 You are my rock and my fort. Lead me and guide me for the honour of your name. 4 Keep me free from the trap that is set for me. You are my place of safety. 5 Into your hands I commit my very life. LORD, set me free. You are my faithful God. 6 I hate those who worship worthless statues of gods. But I trust in the LORD. 7 I will be glad and full of joy because you love me. You saw that I was hurting. You took note of my great pain. 8 You have not handed me over to the enemy. You have put me in a wide and safe place. 9 LORD, have mercy on me. I’m in deep trouble. I’m so sad I can hardly see. My whole body grows weak with sadness. 10 Pain has taken over my life. My years are spent in groaning. I have no strength because I’m hurting so much. My body is getting weaker and weaker. 11 My neighbours make fun of me because I have so many enemies. My closest friends are afraid of me. People who see me on the street run away from me. 12 No one remembers me. I might as well be dead. I have become like broken pottery. 13 I hear many people whispering, ‘There is terror all around him!’ Many have joined together against me. They plan to kill me. 14 But I trust in you, LORD. I say, ‘You are my God.’ 15 My whole life is in your hands. Save me from the hands of my enemies. Save me from those who are chasing me. 16 May you look on me with favour. Save me because your love is faithful. 17 LORD, I have cried out to you. Don’t let me be put to shame. But let sinners be put to shame. Let them lie silent in the place of the dead. 18 Their lips tell lies. Let them be silenced. They speak with pride against those who do right. They make fun of them. 19 You have stored up so many good things. You have stored them up for those who have respect for you. You give those things while everyone watches. You give them to people who run to you for safety. 20 They are safe because you are with them. You hide them from the evil plans of their enemies. In your house you keep them safe from those who bring charges against them. 21 Give praise to the LORD. He showed me his wonderful love when my enemies attacked the city I was in. 22 I was afraid and said, ‘I’ve been cut off from you!’ But you heard my cry for your favour. You heard me when I called out to you for help. 23 Love the LORD, all you who are faithful to him! The LORD keeps safe those who are faithful to him. But he completely pays back those who are proud. 24 Be strong, all you who put your hope in the LORD. Never give up.